Here you will find all the useful PHP arrays functions. Both, single and multi-dimensional arrays are supported.
No installation or third-party package is required to use these array functions.
Function Name | Description |
array() | Creates a new array |
array_change_key_case() | To convert all keys of the array to uppercase or lowercase. |
array_chunk() | Splits an array into chunks of arrays |
array_column() | Get the values from a single column in the array |
array_combine() | Create an array using keys from one array and values from another array |
array_count_values() | Get the count of elements/values of the array |
array_diff() | Compare arrays, and returns the differences based on values only |
array_diff_assoc() | Compare arrays, and returns the differences based on both keys and values |
array_diff_key() | Compare arrays, and returns the differences based on keys only |
array_diff_uassoc() | Compare arrays, and returns the differences using a user-defined key comparison function. It compares both keys and values |
array_diff_ukey() | Compare arrays, and returns the differences using a user-defined key comparison function. It compares keys only |
array_fill() | Fills the array with values |
array_fill_keys() | Assign values to the specified keys in the array |
array_filter() | Filters array values using a callback function |
array_flip() | Exchange the keys with the corresponding values of an associative array |
array_intersect() | Compare arrays and return the same values by comparing the values only |
array_intersect_assoc() | Compare arrays and return the same values by comparing the keys and values |
array_intersect_key() | Compare arrays and return the same values by comparing the keys only |
array_intersect_uassoc() | Compare two or more arrays for the same values using a user-defined key comparison function (compare both keys and values) |
array_intersect_ukey() | Compare two or more arrays for the same values using a user-defined key comparison function (compare only keys) |
array_key_exists() | Checks specific keys in the array |
array_keys() | Get all keys of the array |
array_map() | Pass each value of the array from the user-defined function and return new/modified value |
array_merge() | Merges one or multiple arrays into one array |
array_merge_recursive() | Merge one or multiple arrays into one array recursively |
array_multisort() | Sort one or multidimensional array |
array_pad() | Inserts a specified number of items, with a specified value, to an array |
array_pop() | Remove the last element of the array |
array_product() | Get the product of array values |
array_push() | Insert element at the last index of the array/end of the array |
array_rand() | Get random keys from the array |
array_reduce() | Convert the array into string using user-defined function |
array_replace() | Replaces the values of the array by values from the arrays |
array_replace_recursive() | Replaces the values of the array by values from the arrays recursively |
array_reverse() | Get reverse of the array |
array_search() | Search specified element of the array and return the key in case of associative array |
array_shift() | Removes the first element from the array and return it |
array_slice() | Get a selected portion of the array |
array_splice() | Removes and replaces specific elements of the array |
array_sum() | Calculate and return the sum of all values of the array |
array_udiff() | Compare the arrays and return different values. The values are compared using a user-defined function |
array_udiff_assoc() | Compare the arrays and return different values. The keys are compared using a built-in function and values are compared using a user-defined function. |
array_udiff_uassoc() | Compare the arrays and return different values. The key values are compared using a user-defined function |
array_uintersect() | Compare the arrays and return matching values. Only Values are compared using a user-defined function. |
array_uintersect_assoc() | Compare the arrays and return matching values. The keys are compared using a built-in function and values are compared using a user-defined function. |
array_uintersect_uassoc() | Compare arrays, and returns the matches (compare keys and values, using two user-defined key comparison functions) |
array_unique() | Removes duplicate the array |
array_unshift() | Adds one or multiple elements to the starting of an array |
array_values() | Get all the values of the array |
array_walk() | Apply user function to every element of the array |
array_walk_recursive() | Get each key value of the array and apply the user-defined function to it |
arsort() | Sorts an associative array by value in descending order |
asort() | Sorts an associative array by value in ascending order |
compact() | Create an array containing variables and their values |
count() | Returns the number of elements in the array |
current() | Returns the current element pointed by the pointer of the array |
each() | Returns the current key-value pair of the array |
end() | Move the pointer to point the last element of the array |
extract() | Imports variables into the current symbol table from an array |
in_array() | Check if the specific element exist in the array or not |
key() | Get a key from an array |
krsort() | Sorts an associative array based on key in descending order |
ksort() | Sorts an associative array based on key in ascending order |
list() | Assigns variables as if they were an array |
natcasesort() | Sort array elements according to natural order algorithm (case sensitive) |
natsort() | Sort array elements according to natural order algorithm |
next() | Move the array pointer to point to the next element if exist |
pos() | Alias of the array function current(). Return the index of the position at which the array pointer is |
prev() | Move the pointer of the array to point to the previous element if exist |
range() | Creates an array that contains the elements in a defined range |
reset() | Set the pointer of the array to point to the first element |
rsort() | Sorts indexed array in descending order |
shuffle() | Shuffle/randomize the elements of the array |
sizeof() | This function is an alias of count() function |
sort() | Sorts indexed array in ascending order |
uasort() | Sort the array by value according to the function defined by the user |
uksort() | Sort the array by keys according to the function defined by the user |
usort() | Sort the array according to the function defined by the user |