PHP array_search() function

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The array_search function searches the specified value in the array and returns its key. If the array is an indexed array, you will get the index of the value found.

What is the syntax of the array_search function in PHP?

array_search(value, array, strict)
valueThe array to search the value in – Required
arrayThe value to search from the array – Required
strictBoolean Parameter
When set to true: Will does not search the identical elements, that is “5” and 5 will not be considered to be similar.
When set to false: Will search the identical elements, that is “5” and 5 will be considered to be similar.
– Optional
array_search function in PHP

Examples of array_search function

echo array_search("Turkey",$arr);

In the above example, we use array_search to search “Turkey” from the given array.

echo array_search(5,$arr,true);

In the above example, we use array_search to search the specified element from the associative array with a strict mode set to true. Try the above example with strict mode set to false.

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PHP array_shift() function
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