Time functions in PHP

PHP Strings Functions
PHP Variable Handling Functions

Here you will find PHP time and date functions to get the server time when the PHP script executes on it. These functions also allow you to get the date and time in several formats.

PHP date/time functions do not require any library to install. These functions come built-in with the PHP language.

Note: While working with the PHP date and time functions, always keep the daylight savings and leap years into consideration for the exact output. Also, server settings can affect the working of some methods.

Runtime Configurations

These functions depend on the configurations in the PHP.ini file.

NameDescriptionDefault Value
date.timezoneGives the default timezone used by all the time/date functions in PHP“”
date.default_latitudedate_sunrise() and date_sunset() method use the latitude which is returned by this method “31.7667”
date.default_longitude date_sunrise() and date_sunset() method use the longitude which is returned by this method “35.2333”
date.sunrise_zenith date_sunrise() and date_sunset() method use the sunrise zenith which is returned by this method “90.83”
date.sunset_zenith date_sunrise() and date_sunset() method use the sunset zenith which is returned by this method “90.83”
Geographical date functions

PHP Date/Time Functions

checkdate()Check if a Gregorian date is valid
date_add()Add days, months, years, hours, minutes, and seconds in the date returned by the PHP function
date_create_from_format()Specify format and return new DateTime object in that format
date_create()Create new DateTime object
date_date_set()Set a new date
date_default_timezone_get()Get Default timezone currently being used by the time/date functions
date_default_timezone_set() Set Default timezone currently being used by the time/date functions
date_diff()Gives the difference between the two dates. The difference can also be in the form of date format
date_format() Specify format and return new DateTime object in that format
date_get_last_errors()If the date string contains any string, this function will return the error
date_interval_create_from_date_string()Create dateInterval from the date string
date_interval_format()Format dateInterval
date_isodate_set()Set ISO dates
date_modify()Change/Update the Timestamp
date_offset_get()Get the timezone offset
date_parse_from_format()Returns an associative array with a specified date to a specific format
date_parse()Get information about a date in the form of an associative array
date_sub()Subtracts/minus days, months, years, hours, minutes, and seconds from a PHP date
date_sun_info()Get the sunset/sunrise and twilight begin/end information for a specific day and location in the form of an associative array
date_sunrise()Get the sunrise time for the specified location and day
date_sunset() Get the sunset time for the specified location and day
date_time_set()Set time in PHP
date_timestamp_get()Get Unix timestamp in PHP
date_timestamp_set()Set the time and date using unix timestamp
date_timezone_get()Get the time zone of the DateTime object
date_timezone_set()Set the time zone of the DateTime object
date()Format local date and time
getdate()Get time/date information for the current local time/date or timestamp
gettimeofday()Get the current time of the day
gmdate()Format GMT/UTC time and date
gmmktime()Get the Unix timestamp for the date that is in GMT format
gmstrftime()Format a UTC/GMT time and date (depends on locale configurations)
idate()Get local date/time as an integer
localtime()Get the local time
microtime()Get the current Unix timestamp (microseconds)
mktime()Get the Unix timestamp of the date
strftime()Format a local time/date (depends on locale configurations)
strptime()Parse date/time obtained with strftime() function
strtotime()Parses DateTime from textual format into a Unix timestamp
time()Get the current time in Unix timestamp form
timezone_abbreviations_list()Get the dst, offset, and timezone name in the form of an associative array
timezone_identifiers_list()Get an array of all timezone identifiers
timezone_location_get()Get location information according to the timezone
timezone_name_from_ abbr()Get the timezone name using abbreviation
timezone_name_get()Get the name of the timezone
timezone_offset_get()Get the timezone offset (GMT)
timezone_open()Create new DateTimeZone object
timezone_transitions_get()Get all transitions for the timezone
timezone_version_get()Get the version of the timezonedb
PHP Date/TIme Functions
PHP Strings Functions
PHP Variable Handling Functions

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