PHP array_walk() function

PHP array_unshift() function
PHP array_walk_recursive() function

The array_walk function iterates through an array of elements and passes each element’s key and value to a user-defined function. The keys and values of the array are the parameters of the user-defined function.

We can change the value in the user-defined function by passing the first parameter ($value) as reference (&$value).

What is the syntax of the array_walk function in PHP?

array_walk(array, myfunction, parameter...)
arrayThe array to walking through – Required
my_functionThe user-defined function for array keys and values – Required
parameter,…Defines the parameters for the user-defined function – Optional
array_walk function in PHP

Examples of array_walk function

Example 1. Example of array_walk with parameter.

function my_function($value,$key,$param)
echo "$key $param $value";
array_walk($arr,"my_function","contains value");

Example 2. Change the array element value within the array_walk user-defined function.

function my_function(&$value,$key)
PHP array_unshift() function
PHP array_walk_recursive() function
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