PHP wordwrap() Function

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what is the syntax of the WORDWRAP() function in php?

stringRequired. Specifies the string to break up into lines
widthOptional. Specifies the maximum line width. Default is 75
breakOptional. Specifies the characters to use as break. Default is “\n”
cutOptional. Specifies whether words longer than the specified width should be wrapped:FALSE – Default. No-wrapTRUE – Wrap

examples of the WORDWRAP() function

Example 1. In this example, we wrap a string into new lines when it reaches a specific length.

$str = "An example of a long word is: Supercalifragulistic";
echo wordwrap($str,15,"<br>\n");

Example 1. In this example, we wrap a string into new lines.

$str = "An example of a long word is: Supercalifragulistic";
echo wordwrap($str,15);
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