PHP timezone_name_from_abbr() Function

PHP timezone_location_get() Function
PHP timezone_version_get() Function

In this article, you will learn how to get the timezone from the abbreviation.

What is the syntax of the TIMEZONE_NAME_FROM_ABBR() function in PHP?

timezone_name_from_abbr(abbr, gmtoffset, isdst)
abbrTimezone abbreviation – Required
gmtoffsetOffset of the GMT in seconds – Optional
By default it is -1 which returns the first find timezone. – Optional
isdstDaylight saving –
– If required Daylight savings are not taken into the consideration.
gmtoffset offset object may save in effect.
gmtoffset  convert the input without daylight savings.

Examples of the TIMEZONE_NAME_FROM_ABBR() function

Example 1. In this example, we simply pass the place with the timezone_name_from_abbr() method the abbreviation of the given place.

echo timezone_name_from_abbr("EST")";
echo timezone_name_from_abbr("",54770,0);
PHP timezone_location_get() Function
PHP timezone_version_get() Function
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