PHP set_error_handler() Function

PHP set_exception_handler() Function
PHP restore_exception_handler() Function

In this article, you will learn how to set a user-defined error handler function in PHP.

The set_error_handler() function in PHP allows to set a user-defined error handler function. The standard PHP error handler is overridden if this function is used, and the user-defined error handler must stop the script, die() if required.

what is the syntax of the SET_ERROR_HANDLER() function in php?

set_error_handler(errorhandler, E_ALL | E_STRICT)
errorhandlerRequired. Specifies the name of the function to be run at errors
E_ALL|E_STRICTOptional. Specifies on which error report level the user-defined error will be shown. Default is “E_ALL”

examples of the SET_ERROR_HANDLER() function

Example 1. In this example, we set a user-defined error handler function with the set_error_handler() function, and trigger an error (with trigger_error()).

// A user-defined error handler function
function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
    echo "<b>Custom error:</b> [$errno] $errstr<br>";
    echo " Error on line $errline in $errfile<br>";

// Set user-defined error handler function


// Trigger error
if ($test>1) {
    trigger_error("A custom error has been triggered");
PHP set_exception_handler() Function
PHP restore_exception_handler() Function
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