PHP popen() Function

PHP readfile() Function
PHP pclose() Function

In this article, you will learn how to open a pipe in PHP. The popen() function in PHP opens a pipe to the program specified by the command parameter. Remember, a pipe is two-way communication between two processes.

what is the syntax of the POPEN function in php?

popen(command, mode)
commandRequired. Specifies the command to execute
modeRequired. Specifies the connection mode. Can be “r” (Read only) or “w” (Write only – opens and clears existing file or creates a new file)
PHP POPEN() method

examples of the POPEN function

Example 1. In this example, we open a pipe to the program specified in the command parameter.

$file = popen("/bin/ls","r");
//some code to be executed
PHP readfile() Function
PHP pclose() Function
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