PHP output_reset_rewrite_vars() Function

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PHP is_object() Function

In this article, you will learn how to resets the URL rewriter and removes all rewrite variables previously set by the output_add_rewrite_var() function. The PHP OUTPUT_RESET_REWRITE_VARS() function resets the URL rewriter and removes all rewrite variables previously set by the output_add_rewrite_var() function.

what is the syntax of the OUTPUT_RESET_REWRITE_VARS() function in php?


examples of the UTPUT_RESET_REWRITE_VARS() function

Example 1. In this example, we add variables to URLs in the output.

// Make the URL rewriter affect <a href> and <form> tags

// Add a variable
output_add_rewrite_var('var', 'value');
echo '<a href="">This link (URL) will have a variable</a><br>';

// Remove the variable
echo '<a href="">This link (URL) will not have a variable</a>';
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