PHP output_add_rewrite_var() Function

PHP ob_start() Function
PHP var_export() Function

In this article, you will learn how to add a variable to URLs in HTML tags and hidden inputs to forms in PHP. The output_add_rewrite_var() function in PHP adds a variable to URLs in HTML tags and hidden inputs to forms. The tags which are affected depend on the configuration of the url_rewriter.tags setting in php.ini.

what is the syntax of the OUTPUT_ADD_REWRITE_VAR function in php?

output_add_rewrite_var(name, value);
nameThe name of the variable to be added to URLs and the content of the name attribute of hidden inputs in forms.
valueThe value of the variable to be added to URLs and the content of the value attribute of hidden inputs in forms.

examples of the OUTPUT_ADD_REWRITE_VAR function

Example 1. In this example, we add variables to URLs in the output.

// Make the URL rewriter affect <a href> and <form> tags

// Add a variable
output_add_rewrite_var('var', 'value');

// Output a link and a form
echo '<a href="">This link\'s URL will have a variable</a>';
echo '<form>';
echo '<p>This form will have a hidden input</p>';
echo '<input type="text" name="hello">';
echo '</form>';
PHP ob_start() Function
PHP var_export() Function
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