PHP natsort() function

PHP natcasesort() function
PHP pos() function

In this article, you will learn how to sort an array in the natural order. In Natural Order, the number 2 is less than the number 10. But in computer sorting, the number 10 is less than 2 because the first digit in 10 is 1 which is less than 2.

The natsort() function rearranges the elements of an array in natural order using natural order algorithm.

This function is case-sensitive.

What is the syntax of the natsort() function in PHP?

arrayThe array to sort the elements of – Required
PHP natsort() function

Example of natsort function

Example 1. Arrange the elements of the array in the natural order.

arr = ["day1","day2","day3","day4","day5"];
echo "Natural order:";

Example 2. Case-insensitive behavior of the function.

arr = ["day1","day2","day3","day4","day5"];
echo "Natural order: ";
PHP natcasesort() function
PHP pos() function
en English
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