PHP money_format() Function

PHP metaphone() Function
PHP nl_langinfo() Function

what is the syntax of the MONEY_FORMAT() function in php?

stringRequired. Specifies the string to be formatted and how to format the variables in it.Possible format values:Padding and Flags:=f – Specifies the character (f) to be used as padding (Example: %=t this uses “t” as padding). Default is space^ – Removes the use of grouping characters+ or ( – Specifies how to show positive and negative numbers. If “+” is used, the local setting for + and – will be used (usually a sign in front of negative numbers, and nothing in front of positive numbers). If “(” is used, negative numbers are enclosed in parenthesis. Default is “+”! – Stops the use of currency symbols in the output string- If “-” is used, all fields are left-justified. Default is right-justifiedField width:x – Specifies the minimum field width (x). Default is 0#x – Specifies the maximum number (x) of digits expected to the left of the decimal point. This is used to keep formatted output aligned in the same columns. If the number of digits are bigger than x, this specification is ignored.x – Specifies the maximum number (x) of digits expected to the right of the decimal point. If x is 0, the decimal point and the digits to its right will not be shown. Default is local settingsConversion characters:i – The number is formatted to international currency formatn – The number is formatted to national currency format% – Returns the % characterNote: If multiple format values are used, they must be in the same order as shown above.Note: This function is affected by local settings.
numberRequired. The number to be inserted at the %-sign in the format string
PHP money_format() method

examples of the MONEY_FORMAT() function

Example 1. In this example, we get international en_US format.

$number = 1234.56;
echo money_format("The price is %i", $number);

Example 2. In this example, we get international format (Germany) with 2 decimals:

$number = 1234.56;
echo money_format("%.2n", $number);

Example 3. In this example, it is observed that we negative number, US national format with () to indicate negative numbers and 2 digits of right precision and “*” as a fill character:

$number = -1234.5672;
echo money_format("%=*(#10.2n",$number);
PHP metaphone() Function
PHP nl_langinfo() Function
en English
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