PHP list() function

PHP extract() function
PHP natcasesort() function

In this article, you will learn how to assign values to multiple variables at a time. The list() function is used to pick and assign values from the array to a list of variables in a single operation.

What is the syntax of the list() function in PHP?

list(var1, var2, ...)
var1The first variable in the list to assign value to – Required
var2,… More variables in the list to assign value to – Optional
PHP list function

Examples of list() function

Example 1. Assign values to the variables from an array.

$arr= array("a","b","c");
list($x, $y, $z) = $arr;
echo "Values of variables are $x, $y and $z";

Example 2. Another example of the list function.

$arr= array("a","b","c");
list($x,,$z) = $arr;
echo "Values of variables are $x and $z";
PHP extract() function
PHP natcasesort() function
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