PHP juliantojd() function

PHP jewishtojd() function
PHP unixtojd() Function

In this article, you will learn how to use the PHP juliantojd() function to convert a Julian Date to a Julian Day Count.

What is the syntax of the juliantojd() function in PHP?

monthSpecify the month number(1-12) – Required
daySpecify the month number(1-31) – Required
yearSpecify the year number (-4713-9999)- Required
PHP juliantojd() method

Examples of the juliantojd() function

Example 1. In the following example, we simply convert a Julian Date to Julian Day Count and then convert the Julian Day Count back to Julian Date.

echo $j_d;
echo jdtojulian($j_d);
PHP jewishtojd() function
PHP unixtojd() Function
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