PHP glob() Function

PHP is_dir() Function
PHP fwrite() Function

In this article, you will learn how to get the list of files or folders whose name matches with a certain pattern in PHP. The glob() function in PHP returns an array of filenames or directories matching a specified pattern.

what is the syntax of the GLOB function in php?

glob(pattern, flags)
patternRequired. Specifies the pattern to search for
flagsOptional. Specifies special settings.Possible values:GLOB_MARK – Adds a slash to each item returnedGLOB_NOSORT – Return files as they appear in the directory (unsorted)GLOB_NOCHECK – Returns the search pattern if no match were foundGLOB_NOESCAPE – Backslashes do not quote metacharactersGLOB_BRACE – Expands {a,b,c} to match ‘a’, ‘b’, or ‘c’GLOB_ONLYDIR – Return only directories which match the patternGLOB_ERR – (added in PHP 5.1) Stop on errors (errors are ignored by default)
PHP glob() method

examples of the GLOB function

Example 1. In this example, we return an array of filenames or directories that matches the specified pattern.

PHP is_dir() Function
PHP fwrite() Function
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