PHP frenchtojd() function

PHP easter_days() function
PHP gregoriantojd() function

In this article, you will learn how to convert the French calendar date to Julian’s day count. The frenchtojd() function converts a French Republican Calendar date to a Julian Day Count.

Note: The French Republican Calendar was used by the Government of France during the French Revolution. The frenchtojd() function can only convert dates from 22 Sep 1792 to 22 Sep 1806.

What is the syntax of the frenchtojd() function in PHP?

monthSpecify the month number(1-13) – Required
day Specify the month number(1-30) – Required
year Specify the year number (1-14)- Required
PHP frenchtojd() method

Examples of frenchtojd() function

Example 1. The below example shows the conversion of French Republican date to a Julian Day Count and Julian Day Count back to the French Republic.

echo $julian_count;
echo jdtofrench($julian_count);
PHP easter_days() function
PHP gregoriantojd() function
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