PHP date_sunrise() function

PHP date_timestamp_get() function
PHP date_timestamp_set() function

In this article, you will learn how you can get the sunrise time of the specified time and location. The date_sunrise() function does the job.

What is the syntax of the date_sunrise() function in PHP?

date_sunrise(timestamp, format, latitude, longitude, zenith, gmtoffset)
timestampRequired. Specifies the timestamp of the day from which the sunrise time is taken
formatOptional. Specifies how to return the result:SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING (returns the result as string. e.g. 16:46) (This is default)SUNFUNCS_RET_DOUBLE (returns the result as float. e.g. 16.78243132)SUNFUNCS_RET_TIMESTAMP (returns the result as integer (timestamp). e.g. 1095034606)
latitudeOptional. Specifies the latitude of the location. Defaults to North. To specify a value for South, pass in a negative value
longitudeOptional. Specifies the longitude of the location. Defaults to East. To specify a value for West, pass in a negative value
zenithOptional. Defaults to date.sunrise_zenith
gmtoffsetOptional. Specifies the difference between GMT and local time in hours
PHP date_sunrise() method

Examples of the date_sunrise() function

Example 1.

echo("Date: " . date("D M d Y"));
echo("Sunrise time: ");
PHP date_timestamp_get() function
PHP date_timestamp_set() function
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