PHP date_create_from_format() Function

PHP date_add() function
PHP date_create() function

In this article, you will learn how to create a new date in a specific format. The PHP date_create_from_format() function creates a new date in the specified format.

What is the syntax of the date_create_from_format() in PHP?

date_create_from_format(format, time, timezone)
formatSpecify the format to use – Required
timeDate/time string – Required – Null means current date/time
timezoneThe timezone of time – Optional – Null means current Timezone
PHP date_create_from_format() method

The characters which can be used in the format parameters are as follows.

date and time characters for date functions

Examples of the date_create_from_format() function

Example 1. In the following example, we specify the format to create a new date in this format.

PHP date_add() function
PHP date_create() function
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