PHP convert_uuencode() Function

PHP convert_uudecode() Function
PHP count_chars() Function

In this article, you will learn how to convert or uuencode a string. Before starting, keep in mind that the uuencoded string is always 35% larger than the original.

Also, the encoded string is safe to be converted into binary data and store it in the database or transferring it over it.

What is the syntax of the convert_uuencode() function in PHP?

Parameter	Description
string	Required. The string to uuencode

examples of the convert_uuencode() method

Example 1. In this example, we create a string and convert_uuencode() function method return the lates.

<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p><?php<br>$str = "Hello world!";<br>// Encode the string<br>$encodeString = convert_uuencode($str);<br>echo $encodeString . "<br>";</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->

<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>// Decode the string<br>$decodeString = convert_uudecode($encodeString);<br>echo $decodeString;<br>?></p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->

Example 2. In this example we did the same thing as above with some different scenes or rules and regulations,

PHP convert_uudecode() Function
PHP count_chars() Function
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