PHP array_diff_uassoc() function

PHP array_diff_key function
PHP array_diff_ukey() function

The array_diff_uassoc function returns the difference between two or more arrays based on the keys and values. But, here the main difference lies in this function is the user-defined function implementation for the comparison of keys and values.

We will make the user_defined function concept super easy using the examples in this tutorial.

What is the syntax of the array_diff_uassoc function in PHP?

array_diff_uassoc(array1, array2, array3, ..., myfunction)
array1The first array to compare with other arrays – required
array2Second array to make a comparison against- required
array3, ...Further arrays to compare against – optional
callback functionThe function which performs the comparison among the keys and the value.
array_diff_uassoc function in PHP

Examples of array_diff_uassoc

function myfunction($a,$b)
if ($a===$b)
  return 0;
  return ($a>$b)?1:-1;




In the above examples, the array_diff_assoc takes keys and values from the first array and compares them with the keys and values of other arrays based on the user-defined function.

PHP array_diff_key function
PHP array_diff_ukey() function
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