
String to float PHP

In this solution, we will learn how to convert string to float in PHP. solution 1. PHP function that finds a rational approximation to a given (positive) floating point number with a relative error less than $tolerance.

How can I sort arrays and data in PHP?

In this solution, we will learn: solution 1. How do I sort an array in PHP? How do I sort a complex array in PHP? How do I sort an array of objects in PHP? sorting functions sort rsort asort arsort natsort natcasesort ksort krsort Multi-dimensional arrays, including arrays of objects

How to generate a random, unique, alphanumeric string in PHP?

In this solution, you will learn how to generate a random, unique, alphanumeric string in PHP. solution 1. PHP 7 standard library provides the random_bytes() function that generates cryptographically secure pseudo-random bytes. The above example will output something similar to: More info here solution 2. A quick, short, and to-the-point answer is: Which will generate …

How to generate a random, unique, alphanumeric string in PHP? Read More »

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