Free PHP Scripts

A collection of our free PHP scripts.

Free blog PHP script

This free blog PHP script uses a MySQL database to store the blog posts, as well as handle the creation and deletion of posts. The script uses the mysqli extension to interact with the database, which is a improved version of the old mysql extension and it’s more secure. This script also includes a form …

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Free PHP guestbook script

Here are the instructions on how to use this guestbook PHP script: Create a new database and a table called “guestbook” with the following columns: “id”, “name”, “email”, “message”, “date”. In the HTML file, update the form action to point to “add_entry.php” and make sure that it uses the method “post” In the PHP script, …

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Free Page counter PHP script

This free page counter php script uses the fopen(), fread(), fwrite(), and fclose() functions to read and update a text file that stores the current value of the counter. The text file “counter.txt” must be created and initially set to zero before this script can be used.

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