Author name: admin

String and useful string functions

Strings in PHP

A string is a series of characters that is used to store and modify text data. Letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces can all be included in a string. Strings in PHP are surrounded by single or double quotes. In this article we discuss the most common PHP strings functions. Example: $greeting, $name, and $age are …

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Echo and print in PHP

Both echo and print are used in PHP to send text or variables to the browser or terminal. In terms of functionality, they are nearly similar, but there are a few important changes. The echo command is used to emit a string or a variable. It accepts several inputs separated by commas and returns no …

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Introduction to PHP

Introduction to PHP

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a popular open-source programming language that is ideal for web development. It is frequently used in conjunction with other technologies to build dynamic and interactive webpages, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This primer will cover the fundamentals of PHP and offer an overview of its essential features and capabilities. We …

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